Review the cooking stuff.with the secret reciept. also want to share some plant which can use for decorate in your home

วันจันทร์ที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

To cut vegetables you have a chefmes or demi-chefmes

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paring knife (a smaller knife) and a legislative language.
Put your knife before cutting kept on with the legislative language, this keeps your knife sharp. Please note, this is not the same as a knife sharpening, this leaves yourbest annually at a knife specialist. Wipe with a kitchen towel over the knife to removetiny metal particles.
Put your cutting board fixed by putting a damp cloth under them.
Cutting, you start to learn best practice with ' soft ' vegetables like courgettes and chicory.
Take your knife firmly in the hand that you write, and place your other hand in a ' claw' on the vegetable: This means that your Pinky and thumb behind the other fingersplaces. Press the tops of your fingers also inward, so can the knife over the flat, middlepart of your fingers glide.
Crop round vegetables such as carrots and Zucchini lengthwise always a slice of af,and roll the fruit on the flat side. So the vegetable remains pretty solid on the shelfwhile cutting.
To cut a vegetable in half, you put your hand to the vegetable and cut you in between.Put your hand never aside, so you risk cutting into your fingers!

Make circular motions with your knife, which the tip of the knife always remains standing. Move your hand ' claw ' becoming a little bit to the back if you knife the shelf touches, so would you give the knife to where it must cut the next time. If the piece of vegetable on the duration is too narrow to hold, tilt your it down, so that thecut side with the flat surface on the shelf comes are. So can you verdersnijden.Hammad (rods) to make to cut the vegetable in bars of +/-5 cm. cut fine slices of thebars, roof tile and place it on each other. Cutting now with the circular motion swabs.In order to make you lay the brunoise Hammad (cubes) nice right, turn them a quarter turn, and cut crosswise into small cubes.To cut an onion, cut the onion in half, first by the root (let there be a piece of sit whilepeeling!). Add half onion flat for you, with the carrot away from you. Cutting with a smaller knife transverse notches in, but never go all the way to the end: the root, theonion together. Make some longitudinal incisions, turn the onion 90 degrees and cutwith a chefmes would in the circular motion. The ' butt ' of your onion can you possibly do to keep up in the soup.Cutting mushrooms with a small knife.
Parsley can you mincing by using one hand to hold the knife, and with your other hand the point at the top and the circular motion to make. Please note that this is not the case with other herbs you can do since you there than too much ripe and thejuices and they very quickly so be bad and discolor.

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