วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557
There is now a wide choice of pots and trays for your container plants
There is now a wide choice of pots and trays for your container plants. The gardensand terraces of most people are not getting smaller and as a result, many more people are focusing on terrastuinieren. Because of this, there are many new types of pots onthe market and there is also pressure experimented with all kinds of materials.However, no problem! Take advantage of the many kinds of pots and baking to createa optimal effect as beautiful as possible.
Traditional materials such as terracotta and stone are used to modern, eye-catchingdesigns, while experimenting with new materials, such as cast resin, have provided for a large number of new types of pots. There are now copies on sale for every taste andevery kind of terrace. Such a range of pots and planters offers plenty of inspiration fora captivating design. Most pots and bins are on the ground. They are available in a huge variety of materials and innumerable forms, types and styles, for each plant ineach situation. Bins can be used in groups or separately, as an architectural element.Some lend themselves to various kinds of decoration and thus give an extra dimension to your terrace.
If you start looking for a suitable pot for on the terrace, then play both aesthetic andpractical considerations.
The size of the pot
As a general rule, you for a high bake plants takes those 1.5 times as high as the bin and for a low, wide bucket plants that are 1.5 times as wide. Keep these proportions in your mind, but do not limit. In practice, put the pots in plants while they are stillsmall and then grow them throughout the season. A compact pot is sometimesbeautifully with an equally compact plant. Put both elements when choosing soalways side by side to see the effect.
What material to choose?
Wooden planters look natural, but if they're not of more expensive hardwood speciesare created, they have a lot of maintenance to protect them from moisture. Wood's light weight makes it handy to use, so you can create all kinds of compositions thatyou constantly easy can give a new place. It is resistant to frost. Most wooden bins arealready treated with a preservative, but an extra layer aanbrnegen for planting isadvisable. Let the bin after a while to avoid any fumes damage the plants. Lined the inside of wooden boxes with plastic so the soil does not come into contact with the wood. Pull the lining through the drain hole in the bottom and put wooden baking a little way above the ground, so that air can circulate under. Wood can be painted welland so you can always change the color of the planters. Wooden pots and baking can only be made in a square or oblong shape. This limits the number of designs that can be made with it. If wood is not properly treated, it has a short life span. Dyedsoftwood you need regular maintenance to prevent rot.
The terracottapot looks natural and fits well with all kinds of plants. However, the material is pretty porous and dries pretty quickly, whereby plants in terracotta potsneed plenty of water. However just therefore terracotta pots particularly suitable forherbs. Old terrcotta have more character than new pots. Unglazed terracotta is porous and permits thereby air to the roots. They can be edited with emulsion paint, so youcan experiment with many different colors. These jars often have large drain holes inthe bottom that you can cover with potsherds to best land and fertilizers to reduceleaching. Not all terracotta pots are frost resistant; They recommended a large number of outdoor winter crack if you let alone. Would you use jars out in winter though, please frost resistant pottery.
Glazed terracotta pots dry out less quickly. The plants need to be cast less than inunglazed pots. Also, these jars better frost resistant. If the ordinary terracottapot water under the glaze comes, the pot in case of frost damage.
Jars of clay are heavy and thereby provide a stable base but they are more difficult tomove. They are especially suitable for high, top heavy plants. They are less porous,which makes the soil less likely to dry out. Jars of clay can quickly be break if you drop them or accidentally omstoot. Stone pots can also be quite expensive.
Wicker baskets are nice baking in a natural style that suits many plants and plantingstyles. You can create a breathtaking emanations. Baskets beautiful with a mixture ofstriking plants as Pelargonium, Gazania and Osteospermum.