วันจันทร์ที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557
Watering is very obvious, but no less important. The amount and frequency ofwatering depends on many factors, such as: tree species, size, grondmix, size of the pot, weather and pitch.
How often should I Bonsai watering?
As has already been explained it depends on many factors how often it should bewatered. Especially in the beginning it can be very difficult to determine this, therefore it is recommended to a Satay-prikkertje in the ground to cross, after 10 minutes you can pull it out again. To the discoloration of the baton is to determine whether thereshould or should not be watered: the lighter the color, the drier the soil. By using afinger to feel the ground is also easy to determine if the tree needs water; If the soilfeels dry you need watering but when the ground is not humid. Water only when it is needed, because one of the most common diseases is root rot, caused by excess water.However, it is even more important to make the tree never wholly dry out; When the roots are dried out will once great damage to the root system. Keep a close eye on thetree and wen yourself not to fixed watering pattern; Sometimes the tree need waterdaily, sometimes almost a week not. When you have limited time to regularlywatering, it is important to select a grondmix during repotting holds more water.
It makes not a whole lot out when you watered, but it is often discouraged in the afternoon watering because the moisture on the leaves the incident sunlightstrengthened, with burning as a result. In addition, the ground so suddenly stronglycooled, what is bad for the roots. The best time to water is in the evening so the treecan absorb water at rest all night.
How do watering?
For outdoor Bonsai applies: water always from the top down, pour the water so on the Crown of the tree, so the wash away to avoid water. Stay just as long as casting until the water comes out of the pot under flows. Use for watering a watering can with a long neck and a very fine spray nozzle, buy Bonsai in each (online) store. For insideBonsai applies: water the ground surface of the tree do not need to be sufficient, the water from the pot to run. It is important to thoroughly watering; When constant dry patches in the pot will continue to post watering the roots partly die. The rule is therefore not to often to watering, but when you do water it thoroughly.
It is best to water in watering your trees with rain, the water you can absorb in buckets during rain showers and showering in a watering can. Tap water is not bad, the drawback about it is that it contains added ingredients such as calcium (whichleaves a white deposit on the leaves). There's nothing like a natural rain.
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